
You can order and pay for a Search of Body Corporate records here

Please note, that we hold no physical records in our offices for any of the buildings we manage, but rather have most material stored on-line and we are able to provide a link to give you access to the records you most likely need - including current financials for the Scheme, and any Lot you specify, all Committee Minutes, all General Meeting Minutes, Agreements, Lot Survey Plans, CMS, BMS, current Sinking Fund Analysis report, Current Insurance Valuation report, Insurance cover details including COC. They are arranged and stored logically in folders that should make your search easy.
Should you have any questions for us after looking through the material, please e-mail us in the first instance rather than phoning our office - our preferred communication method is by e-mail, and we will respond promptly. See our Home page for the link to send us an e-mail if you do need further information after your search.

Fees as updated and applicable from 1st July 2023

Access to the Body Corporate's records (in accordance with Sect 205 of the BCCM Act) costs $19.35 (GST is not payable) if an Owner is undertaking the access, and $37.20.00 (GST is not payable) for any other category of 'Interested Person' e.g. a search agent or solicitor etc.

How will you be making the payment for access to these records?:
by Credit Card on-line       by Direct Deposit into Park Avenue Strata bank account

If you choose by Credit Card on-line you will be directed to the secure processing page of PayPal(Australia).
To provide a high level of security, all purchases are processed through PayPal, the global leader in online payments.
If you choose payment by Direct Deposit you will be provided with the bank account details to enable you to make the payment over-the-counter at your bank, or on-line by way of your bank's netbank facility.

The name of the Building/Body Corporate: e.g. 'Seaview Apartments'

The Lot number involved:

The name of the registered Owner of that Lot:

Your name:

Your phone number: preferably a mobile

Your e-mail address:

Your Company name (if applicable):If you are a search agent, or solicitor, provide the name of the firm.

How are you deemed an 'Interested Person': The legislation provides that we, on behalf of the Body Corporate, should make records available for any 'Interested Person' - and an 'Interested Person' means, a) the Owner, or a mortgagee of a Lot in the Scheme, the buyer of a Lot in the Scheme or an Agent of any of those persons, or someone else that satisfies the Body Corporate that they should be considered an 'Interested Person'.
Please state below which category you fall into.

Any additional message for us:

Just click the button below to proceed