
You can use this form to tell us of any change to your address or contact details

What is the name of your Body Corporate: e.g. 'Seaview Towers'

What is your Lot number: it is noted on your Levy Invoice

What is your name:

Postal Address for Body Corporate correspondence:

Select how you want Levy Invoices sent?:
E-mail only   Post only   E-mail and Post  

E-mail Address for Levy Notices: If you have elected above to have Levy Invoices e-mailed, enter the e-mail address here:

Alternative postal address for Levy Notices?: If you have elected above to have Levy Invoices posted, and want them sent to a different address from the general correspondence address you entered above, enter the desired Levy Notice address below (otherwise leave this box blank):

Your contact phone numbers: enter them like this: (07)1234 5678(home), 0412 123 456(John's mobile), 0412 777 999(Helen's mobile)


Rental Agent details(if applicable): If you have your Lot in the hands of a rental agent, it is a legislative requirement that you provide us with the details of that agent - so if applicable, please supply name, address, and contact phone numbers for the agent.

'Collaborate' - your Body Corporate community portal

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You can read about 'Collaborate' by clicking here
Yes thanks   No thanks  
E-mail address to receive Collaborate new message alerts: leave blank if not subscribing


Any special message for us?: leave blank otherwise

Please note the following:
1. We will send you an e-mail confirming receipt of your information - this is sent by a human, and may take 24 hrs or so depending on when you are submitting.
2. If you are changing your details because you're going away for a period, please don't ask us to revert back to some other address at some point of time in the future - our systems can't do that automatically currently, so it is your responsibility to get back in touch with us on your return and want your details changed again.
3. Whilst our systems can automatically e-mail Levy Notices, as you've noted above, e-mailing of all other general correspondence e.g. Meeting Notices etc. is problematical and not automatic, and we do not currently do this as a matter of course - we will endeavour to do it for special circumstances, for a limited time e.g. you are going overseas. You can add that special request in the message box above.

Click the Next button when you are ready to check and confirm the details:

Or, if you don't want to proceed at all right now with submitting these details, click on the button below to cancel the whole procedure.